产品介绍:Product introduction:
1. It can promote rooting and bud, with biological activity of rare earth HB and various nutrient elements to stimulate rooting, make early roots and new roots . It can make deep root and large root cap with strong apical vitality , and quick absorption of nutrient water . It shortened seedling time .
2. It can make strong seedling , balance nutrition and promote growth. It can improve the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, inhibit overgrowth, and has the function of anti senescence and anti aging .
3. It can promote photosynthesis, pollination and fertilization, protect flower and fruit, accelerate fruit swelling and speed up coloring , increase the content of VC and protein, and preserve freshness and prolong storage.
4. It can anti continuous cropping, activate soil structure, keep water and fertilizer, increase fertilizer efficiency.
5. It has a strong inhibitory effect on root rot, Fusarium wilt, root rot, and dead seedling, as well as a function to repair and regenerate the damaged root.
6. it can improve the soil fertility ,make the fertilizer efficiency and long and good with fertilizer conservation.
1.Comprehensive and safe nutrition: it has biological, organic and inorganic combination . It can meet the requirements of crops for many kinds of elements at one time .
2.Activating soil and decompose phosphorus and potassium: it has high biological activity and the ability to decompose phosphorus and potassium. It can promote the decomposition and release of fixed phosphorus and potassium in the soil so that they can be supplied continually.
3. Strengthening the immune against disease : it has a good inhibitory effect on soil bacteria infection, root rot, yellow root, retting, dead root , Fusarium wilt, blight, stem blight, leaflet, yellow leaf disease, lodging disease and other biological diseases.
办公地址: 包头市九原区工农街东3号
邮政编码: 014010(包头)558200(南方商贸)
联 系 人: 王京胜 刘彬 13337180372微信号
联系电话: 13347180372、15044950016、13633715313
传 真: 0472-6987910(包头)、0851-28468198(南)
南方商贸: 13337180372、17194725767、15608527711
行业类别: 农林牧渔 > 化肥农药
主营业务: 多元素饲料 、稀土复合肥 、农用稀土
上班时间: 8:00-18:00
企业信箱: 包头市九原区工农街东3号 公司注册号:91150203MAOMYROM63
名称 成分 含量REO% 物理性质 使用方法
2.农用硝酸稀土 RE(NO3)3·XH2O ≥39% 粉末、20目 喷施、泼洒于鱼塘、掺混于复合肥
3.农用氯化稀土 RECl3·XH2O ≥45% 粉末、35目 直接饲喂、掺混于预混料
4.农用柠檬酸稀土 REC6H5O7·XH2O ≥32% 粉末、90目 饲喂、掺混于预混料、复合肥
主营产品:多元稀土水溶肥,稀土微生物肥,稀土复浑肥,稀土有机肥。稀土-EW 、稀土锌 、稀土HB 、稀土硼、 稀土精华液 、稀土有机硒 、稀土海藻精、 稀土甲壳素 、稀土X6、 高纯稀土、 稀土根果多 等系列