Calcium acetate, monohydrate
Formula: (CH3COO)2Ca·H2O
Molecular weight: 176.18
【性状】 白色针状结晶或粉末,易吸湿。微有乙酸味,相对密度1.50,150℃失去部分水分,160℃时分解成丙酮和碳酸钙。易溶于水,微溶于乙醇。
Nature: The white acicular crystallization or the powder, it is easy to absorb moisture. It has lightly acetate sour odor. The relative density is 1.50.At 150℃,it loses the partial moisture contents. At 160℃, it decomposes into acetone and calcium carbonate. It is easy to dissolve in the water, slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol.
【用途】 醋酸钙在食品工业中一直作为抑霉剂、稳定剂、缓冲剂和增香剂使用,它本身有优异的补钙性,也可用于医药、化学试剂,螯合剂;防腐剂;营养强化剂; pH 值调节剂;加工助剂