Potassium acetate
Formula: CH3COOK
Molecular weight: 98.15
【性状】 无色或白色结晶性粉末。有咸味,易潮解。相对密度1.57,熔点292℃。易溶于水,溶于甲醇、乙醇、液氨。不溶于乙醚、丙酮。
Nature: Colorless or white crystalline powder. It has the salt taste, easy deliquescence. Relative density is 1.57, and melting point is 292℃.
It is easy to dissolve in the water, and dissolves in the methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and liquid ammonia. Does not dissolve in ether and acetone.
【用途】 用作分析试剂,调节PH值。用作干燥剂。制造透明玻璃。用于医药工业。也用作缓冲剂、利尿药、织物和纸的柔软剂等。主要用于青霉素钾盐生产,也可用作化学试剂、制备无水乙醇及聚氨酯、保温材料、玻璃钢作工业催剂、助剂、填加剂等。